Nottingham City Local Offer
What is a Local Offer?
The Local Offer provides information about the provision that the local authority has available across education, health and social care for children and young people who have Special Educational Needs and/or disability (SEND). The provisions identified in the Local Offer will be in Nottingham City, and can also include services outside of Nottingham City which is likely to be used by children and young people with SEN.

What is the purpose of the Local Offer?
The Local Offer aims to provide clear, comprehensive, accessible and up-to-date information about the available provision and how to access it. The Local Offer will make provision more responsive to local needs and aspirations by directly involving children and young people with SEND, and their parents, carers and service providers, in reviewing the local offer and identifying what else is needed.

The Local Offer and Woodlands.
The Local Authority and schools in Nottingham City have worked together to develop Nottingham City Schools Provision Maps. These maps provide a framework for provision in Nottingham and show interventions that it is reasonable for schools to provide to pupils identified with SEND.
Our academy makes provision for pupils with SEND in line with this framework. The detail of the provision will vary year on year according to the needs of the pupils, and Woodlands Academy is committed to ensuring our children, young people, and families understand what the local offer provides and how to access additional useful services.

This means that the vast majority of our pupils are placed with us through the EHCP process and in collaboration with Nottingham City SEN service to ensure that our school is the best one available to meet their needs.
Further to this the school works in collaboration with other councils to support pupils who are unable to be placed successfully in specialist provision more local to them. These pupils also have an EHCP.
Finally, in times of need, due to placement limitations in the local PRUs (pupil referral units), some pupils who are likely future pupils for our school but have not yet completed the EHCP process may be placed here whilst this process is ongoing.